10 Hour of Code Resources ( Week of December 4-10)

  1. Wonder Workshop Hour of Code Resources
  2. Teach the Hour of Code from Code.org
  3. Disney Hour of Code
  4. Scratch Curriculum Guide
  5. Scratch Jr – Sam Patterson’s favorite tool for elementary kids.
  6. Scratch
  7. CodeSpark
  8. Metaverse – This is the sponsor this week. It is a fun tool to use to program in augmented reality. They also have many breakout education experiences already made for all ages. Download the app or start building. We’ve been making experiences in my 9th and 10th grade classes and I love using it to teach programming. Read their article, Create Magic in Your Classroom about how this works.
  9. Something to read and share with your staff: 3 Ways Coding and Gaming Can Enhance Learning

10. Sinespace – a Virtual world building environment